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[祷告篇3综合] 倚靠小组与罪争战

发表于 2016-11-12 23:28:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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我的本性是对周围的人说:“我挺好的,谢谢。” 但问题是,罪是活跃的,我们要每时每刻与之争战。如果在与罪的争战中,我说“我不需要帮助“,那这是不明智的,也是不诚实的。我确切的知道自己经常犯哪些罪,甚至可以找出对应的经文。但我身上往往也有自己看不见的罪。





我们定期地读一篇文章来坚固我们的婚姻,但我们首先会将注意力集中在:如何应用从讲台得来的信息。我们讨论的要点很简单:“我们的所学如何影响了我的生命?” 也就是说我们将讲道信息运用到个人内心的挣扎;运用到日常的决定,比如我们的孩子是不是应该上大学;运用到我们最近的冲突;运用到彼此生命中的恩典。



  • 让人知道罪是如何影响家庭的其他成员。这人可能没有意识到他或她的罪所带来的后果,而小组可能促进对话或提供一个观点,引导这对夫妻达到原本自己无法达到的相互理解的水平。
  • 通过小组让个人看到自己生活中的恩典,而这些恩典其配偶未必能看到。
  • 使个人能够听其配偶分享如何看到神改变他或者她(这往往使其丈夫或妻子惊奇不已)
  • 帮助配偶们能更好地关心对方。通过观察别人如何关怀我们的配偶,我们也学习如何更有效地关心。
  • 提供一些在同性单独会晤时可挑选的谈话主题。


Using Small Groups to Fight Sin

My natural tendency is to say to those around me, “I’m doing quite well, thanks.” The problem is, sin is active and wars against us each and every day. It’s unwise—and, frankly, dishonest—to suggest that I don’t need help in my battle against sin. Often, I can put an accurate label on my sin patterns, and even identify verses that speak to them. But just as often, there are sins and sin patterns I cannot see.

The care group to which my wife and I belong at our church in Gaithersburg, Maryland comes alongside and helps me fight the battle. They help me to see my sin, and then apply the gospel of Jesus Christ to it.

“And we urge you, brothers, admonish the idle, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with them all” (1 Thes. 5:14).

By reminding me of his all-sufficient sacrifice, my care groups admonishes me when I am idle, encourages me when I am fainthearted, and helps me where I am weak. This is bringing grace in an appropriate form—according to our needs at the moment.

The care group I lead consists of three married couples. All six of us meet monthly. The three husbands also meet separately once a month, as do the three wives. Since all three of us men work on the pastoral staff at our church, we are able to drop into one another’s offices to care for each another on a regular basis. Yet in our care groups we meet as friends, not as coworkers or professionals.

Though we periodically read an article to enrich our marriages, primarily we focus on learning to apply what we have been taught from the pulpit. The major emphasis of our discussions is simple: “how does what we have been taught affect my life?” That means our conversation will bring the message of the sermon into personal heart struggles, into day-to-day decisions such as whether our kids go to college, into our latest conflicts, or into evidences of grace in one another’s lives.

Our goal is not to measure each other’s performance; it’s to give care and be grace-bringers. There is an underlying assumption of trust, as well as the assumption that we continue to be sinners in need of a Savior today. In this context, we don’t try to “out-perform” one another, but to truly know each other and be known by each other.

Given this context of trust, we will openly discuss almost any topic as couples (with the exception of matters pertaining to sexual temptation, which will be discussed in our same-sex meetings). Discussing our lives with spouses present is immensely helpful in caring for one another, since it allows the group to get the perspective of the person who knows each individual best. Without such input, we are less equipped to help one another. Additional benefits of meeting as married couples include

  • allowing individual’s to hear how sin affects others in the family. The individual may not be aware of the consequences of his or her sin, and the group might be able to facilitate a conversation or offer a perspective that leads to a level of shared understanding the couple cannot reach on their own.
  • letting the group point out evidences of grace in an individual’s life, evidences which the spouse may not have seen.
  • allowing an individual to hear how a spouse sees God changing him or her (often to the surprise of the husband/wife).
  • helping spouses be more effective at caring for one another. By observing others care for our spouse, we learn how to more effectively do the same.
  • providing conversation topics which can be picked up in our separate meetings for men and women.

Every Christian has predominant sin patterns that affect our lives. For myself, I can be self-sufficient, judgmental, and proud. These sins reside deep in my heart. While these sins may show up in primary areas such as my marriage, they really affect all of my actions. Because “out of the heart, the mouth speaks,” our discussions reflect my heart and what I truly believe. Every conversation is then an opportunity for others to see my sin patterns at work. By having others that know me share these observations, I can more effectively mortify the sin that is active in my heart. And what a joy to do this with brothers and sisters who know, believe, trust, and always remind me of the same gospel—that Christ died for our sins, that we might belong to sin no more!

作者:Corby Megorden

Corby Megorden是马里兰州盖瑟斯堡圣约生命教会负责总务的牧师。


来自群组: 金灯台团契分享组


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