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英语资料室 书山圣旅 2024-06-01 07:05 四川
Obed, the grandfather of David





In the narrative of the Book of Ruth, which is brimming with warmth and wisdom, Obed holds a special place. He is the grandfather of the significant figure in Israel's history, King David. The story of Obed is not only a part of family history but also a microcosm of the divine plan of redemption.

Obed's mother, Ruth, was a Moabite woman whose kinship with Naomi transcended blood relations, becoming a paragon in biblical stories. Naomi, originally Ruth's mother-in-law, became interdependent with Ruth after the death of her husband and sons. Rather than alienating Ruth due to her own misfortune, Naomi displayed great wisdom and love, facilitating the marriage between Ruth and Boaz.

Boaz, as a close relative of Ruth, had the right to redeem Ruth according to the laws and customs of the time. He was not only generous materially but also exhibited noble qualities spiritually. Boaz affirmed his marriage proposal to Ruth and publicly announced their union at the city gate. Boaz said to the elders and the people, "You are witnesses this day that I have bought all that belonged to Elimelech and all that belonged to Chilion and Mahlon from Naomi. Moreover, I have acquired Ruth the Moabite, the wife of Mahlon, to be my wife, to preserve the name of the dead through his inheritance, so that his name may not be cut off from his clan and his birthplace."

Shortly after their marriage, Ruth conceived and bore Obed. In Hebrew, the name Obed means "servant" or "worshipper," foreshadowing his role as an important figure in the family. "And Obed is the father of Jesse, and Jesse is the father of David." This indicates that Obed's birth was not only good news for Naomi's family but also a beacon of hope for the Israelite nation.

Although Obed is not recorded as having any remarkable deeds, his existence has a profound impact on the entire family and the Israelite nation. From Perez to Obed, to Jesse and David, this genealogy not only connects the ancestors of King David but also demonstrates the wonderful arrangement of the Almighty's sacred plan of redemption for humanity.

来自群组: 金灯台团契分享组


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